Our Guide

Brahmachari Soham Chaitanya was born in a spiritual family devoted to Chinmaya Mission. The opportunity to listen to satsangs from various Swamins and Brahmacharins introduced him to spirituality from a very young age.
An engineer by background, Sohamji worked as a Research Engineer in Colorado after graduating with a Masters degree from the University of California Berkeley. Eventually, he was inspired to pursue scriptural study full-time and dedicate his life to the study and teaching of the scriptures. Sohamji completed the 17th Vedanta Course under the guidance of the Acharya Poojya Swami Bodhatmanandaji from 2017-2020.
Since 2020, Sohamji has been facilitating most CHYK San Jose programs, such as our weekly study group, our annual CHYK retreat, our summer CHYK hike with Sohamji, and more! Sohamji has been amazing for the CHYK San Jose community - his open and welcoming nature coupled with his strong clarity and understanding of the scriptures allow us to be comfortable coming to him with any questions, knowing we will get answers that are truly satisfactory - pleasing to hear, but also rooted in logical principles.
Sohamji loves playing the harmonium, singing bhajans and dwelling on the scriptures which talk about the nature of happiness. Sohamji is always happy to meet fellow CHYKs who are also interested in their spiritual growth! CHYKs can meet Sohamji at any of our virtual study group sessions or CHYK SJ events. He can also be reached directly at soham@chinmayamission.org.